I have reset debug to FALSE, deleted browser history, restarted the browser, restarted my PC - but still the error persists and breaks admin. I can't even create a new page.Deprecated: uasort(): Returning bool from comparison function is deprecated, return an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero in ...\bl-kernel\pages.class.php on line 419
When I rem line 419 - it seems to work OK but... this is only with limited testing.
I can't imagine that this deprecation is new knowledge.
What say you?
thx - kusalo
PS edit - a bit more testing... with the line remmed I can add a new page but it doesn't show on home.php. It is all there (content: pages, database) but is not properly sorted - rem'd or not. If I load the full URL it is displayed. Hmmmm