BS5Plain Modification Assistance?
- TA2Web
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Hello. I am new here and I really like the simplicity of the Bludit blog software. Along with the bs5plain theme it works great for what my goals are.
I am wondering a couple things to be able to modify it to more suit my design needs.
I have been working from this Bootstrap blog template located here. I am wondering how I can make the proper modifications to partially match the template.
It has a sticky right side bar for related blogging information that Bludit seems to have data for.
I have scaled the BS blog example down to. I would like to use Bludit and the BS5Plain theme into this, if possible. However I am completely lost with where I could begin to modify the theme to fit my needs.
Can I request assistance, please? Thank you.
I am wondering a couple things to be able to modify it to more suit my design needs.
I have been working from this Bootstrap blog template located here. I am wondering how I can make the proper modifications to partially match the template.
It has a sticky right side bar for related blogging information that Bludit seems to have data for.
I have scaled the BS blog example down to. I would like to use Bludit and the BS5Plain theme into this, if possible. However I am completely lost with where I could begin to modify the theme to fit my needs.
Can I request assistance, please? Thank you.
Last edited by TA2Web on Wed Sep 18, 2024 8:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- TA2Web
- Ssr. Bludit
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Hello, thank you for your reply.
I am mainly looking at how to make it into this so the blog posts show with a right column area that is a sticky as shown on this BS Blog Example template here.

I would like the user name, or author, to show as a link to a preset custom link, if possible, under the blog title along with the date of the post as shown in the example image.
Then I would like to have the categories and other blog data from the bludit menu in the column.
And I would eventually like to replace the header with the one I have made.
Thank you very much for any help with making the modifications.
- TA2Web
- Ssr. Bludit
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Here is the <main> basic code with main blog column and sticky right column:
Code: Select all
<main class="container pt-5 pt-md-4">
<div class="row g-5">
<div class="col-md-8">
<h1 class="display-5 pb-4 mb-3 fst-italic border-bottom">Blog Name</h1>
<article class="blog-post">
<h2 class="display-6 link-body-emphasis mb-1">Blog Post Title 1</h2>
<p class="blog-post-meta small">Shared by <a href="/profile-link/">Author</a> on August 15, 2024.</p>
<h3>Blog post header title</h3>
<p>text content here.</p>
<h3>Sub Title</h3>
<p>text content here.</p>
<h3>Another Sub Title</h3>
<p>text content here.</p>
<article class="blog-post">
<h2 class="display-6 link-body-emphasis mb-1">Blog Post Title 2</h2>
<p class="blog-post-meta small">Shared by <a href="/profile-link/">Author</a> on August 15, 2024.</p>
<h3>Blog post header title</h3>
<p>text content here.</p>
<h3>Sub Title</h3>
<p>text content here.</p>
<h3>Another Sub Title</h3>
<p>text content here.</p>
<nav class="blog-pagination pb-3" aria-label="Pagination">
<a class="btn btn-outline-primary rounded-pill" href="#">Older</a>
<a class="btn btn-outline-secondary rounded-pill disabled" aria-disabled="true">Newer</a>
<!-- COLUMN AREA -->
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="position-sticky">
<div class="p-4 mb-3 bg-body-tertiary rounded">
<h4 class="fst-italic">About</h4>
<p class="mb-0">About this blog data goes in here.</p>
<h4 class="fst-italic">Visit Our Sponsors</h4>
<ul class="list-unstyled">
<a class="d-flex flex-column flex-lg-row gap-3 align-items-start align-items-lg-center py-3 link-body-emphasis text-decoration-none border-top" href="" rel="sponsored" target="_blank">
<source srcset="/images/ads/bgozza_com.webp" type="image/webp">
<img src="/images/ads/bgozza_com.jpg" class="bd-placeholder-img img-fluid" alt="Free Hip-Hop Music Stash" width="100%" height="96">
<div class="col-lg-8">
<h6 class="mb-0">Free Hip-Hop Music Stash</h6>
<small class="text-body-secondary">September 1, 2024</small>
<a class="d-flex flex-column flex-lg-row gap-3 align-items-start align-items-lg-center py-3 link-body-emphasis text-decoration-none border-top" href="" rel="sponsored" target="_blank">
<source srcset="/images/ads/bgozza_store.webp" type="image/webp">
<img src="/images/ads/bgozza_store.jpg" class="bd-placeholder-img img-fluid" alt="BGozza's Hip-Hop Store" width="100%" height="96">
<div class="col-lg-8">
<h6 class="mb-0">Gozza's Hip-Hop Music Shop</h6>
<small class="text-body-secondary">September 5, 2024</small>
<a class="d-flex flex-column flex-lg-row gap-3 align-items-start align-items-lg-center py-3 link-body-emphasis text-decoration-none border-top" href="" rel="sponsored" target="_blank">
<source srcset="/images/ads/bgozza_com.webp" type="image/webp">
<img src="/images/ads/bgozza_com.jpg" class="bd-placeholder-img img-fluid" alt="Free Hip-Hop Music Stash" width="100%" height="96">
<div class="col-lg-8">
<h6 class="mb-0">Free Hip-Hop Music Stash</h6>
<small class="text-body-secondary">September 1, 2024</small>
<div class="p-4">
<h4 class="fst-italic">News Archives</h4>
<ol class="list-unstyled mb-0">
<li><a href="#">August 2024</a></li>
<li><a href="#">July 2024</a></li>
<li><a href="#">June 2024</a></li>
<div class="p-4">
<h4 class="fst-italic">Other Stuff</h4>
<ol class="list-unstyled">
<li><a href="#">-</a></li>
<li><a href="#">-</a></li>
<li><a href="#">-</a></li>
I want all of the blog pages to use the above structure with two columns.
Am I supposed to edit the index.php file(s) or the page.php or home.php files?
Thank you.
Last edited by TA2Web on Sat Sep 28, 2024 5:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Master Bludit
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If you want to, you can use the bs5plain theme as a boilerplate for a theme. You'll see how it interacts with most Bludit features.
But after your message(s), I'll be looking to see what I can whip up ...
But after your message(s), I'll be looking to see what I can whip up ...

- TA2Web
- Ssr. Bludit
- Posts: 28
- Joined: Fri Sep 06, 2024 9:20 pm
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I have edited a few lines in the home.php page:
and in the page.php:
Code: Select all
// item start
// echo '<div class="mb-5 border border-secondary p-3 rounded-2">';
echo '<div class="shadow mb-5 bg-body p-3 rounded-2">';
echo '<h2 class="display-6 mb-1 text-truncate">' .
'<a class="link-opacity-50-hover text-decoration-none" href="' . $post->permalink() . '" title="' . $post->title() . '">' . $post->title() . '</a>' .
// Post time
$post_time = date_create_immutable( $post->dateRaw() );
if ( $post_time !== false ) {
echo '<div class="border-bottom" title="' . $post_time->format( 'Y-m-d, H:i' ) . '">';
echo '<span class="ms-1 text-secondary small">Shared on ' . Date::translate( $post_time->format( $site->db['dateFormat'] ) ) . ' by NAME</span>';
echo '</div>';
// Content
Code: Select all
// Title
if ( ! $url->notFound() ) {
echo '<h1 class="display-6">' . $page->title() . '</h1>';
// Post time
if ( ! $page->isStatic() ) {
$reading_time = trim( $page->readingTime() );
// $post_time = date_create_immutable( $page->dateRaw() );
$post_time = date_create_immutable( $page->dateRaw() );
if ( $post_time ) {
echo '<div class="border-bottom" title="' . $post_time->format( 'Y-m-d, H:i' ) . '">';
echo '<span class="ms-1 text-secondary small">Shared on ' . Date::translate( $post_time->format( $site->db['dateFormat'] ) ) . ' by NAME</span>';
echo '</div>';
Code: Select all
// Content
echo '<div class="bs5plain-page-content border-bottom mt-3 mb-3">' .
$page->content() .
Hey, welcome! I’ve worked with Bludit and the BS5Plain theme before, so I can definitely help point you in the right direction. To make the sticky sidebar work, you’ll need to dive into the theme’s layout and modify the HTML and CSS a bit. You’ll want to find where the sidebar is in the template and then pull in the Bludit data for related posts. For the sticky effect, just add position: sticky; top: 0; to the sidebar's CSS, and it should stick as you scroll. I’d also recommend looking for any Bludit plugins that might make this easier, especially if you're not as comfortable with editing PHP or CSS directly. Hopefully that gives you a good starting point!