Include Php File where?

Post Reply
Jr. Bludit
Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Jul 12, 2023 9:07 pm

Dear Bludit Community,

For my Blog I need to include a php file to count incoming traffic.

When I include the file in theme-folder/php/header.php it doesn't run correctly.

If I add this to the beginning of index.php main file of Bludit. The file is executed correctly.
However, I cannot perform any actions in the Bludit Admin Panel. The post preview and saving of new posts is not possible as long as the .php file is included in Bludit's index.php File.
It always redirect my to File not Found.

What can I do to solve this problem?

Many Thanks for Helping me.
Last edited by se7enx on Sat Jul 15, 2023 4:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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What is the code of your PHP file?
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Jr. Bludit
Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Jul 12, 2023 9:07 pm

Hello Edi,

the code is the following:

Code: Select all


/* * ****************************************************
 * CjOverkill version 5.3.1
 * � Kaloyan Olegov Georgiev
 * Please read the lisence before you start editing this script.
 * ****************************************************** */

@ignore_user_abort ( true );
//include ("cj-filter.php");
include ("");
include ("");
cjoverkill_connect ();

$site_dom = cjoverkill_sanityze ( $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] );
$site_id = cjoverkill_site_discover ( $site_dom );

// global variables before filter

$in_php = 1;
$out_php = 0;

$stime = localtime ();
$thishour = $stime[2];

$referer = cjoverkill_sanityze ( $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] );
$ref = $referer;

    $proxy = cjoverkill_sanityze ( cjoverkill_ip_normalize ( $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] ) );
    $ip = cjoverkill_sanityze ( cjoverkill_ip_normalize ( $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"] ) );
    $filter_ip = $ip;
    $filter_ip_geo = $proxy;
} else {
    $ip = cjoverkill_sanityze ( cjoverkill_ip_normalize ( $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] ) );
    $proxy = "";
    $filter_ip = $ip;
    $filter_ip_geo = $filter_ip;

$tid = cjoverkill_sanityze ( $_GET["tid"] );
$td = cjoverkill_sanityze ( $_GET["td"] );

// Multipage site check done before filtering
// Disable fast load filter for in.php if multipage site.
$multipass = 1;
$sql = mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "SELECT site_multipage, site_incookie, site_domain FROM cjoverkill_sites WHERE site_id='$site_id'" ) OR cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
$tmp = @mysqli_fetch_array ( $sql );
extract ( $tmp );
if ( $site_multipage == 1 ) {
    if ( $_COOKIE["cjoverkill_in"] < time () - $site_incookie ) {
        setcookie ( "cjoverkill_in", time (), time () + ($site_incookie * 1) );
    } else {
        setcookie ( "cjoverkill_in", time (), time () + ($site_incookie * 1) );
        $multipass = 0;

// Disable in.php tracking if the in comes from the same domain
if ( $referer != "" && $referer != "-" ) {
    $tmp = parse_url ( $referer );
    $tmp["host"] = strtolower ( $tmp["host"] );
    $tmp_domain = preg_replace ( "/^www\./", "", $tmp["host"] );
    if ( $tmp_domain == $site_domain ) {
        $multipass = 0;

include ("cj-filter.php");

if ( $filter_rampage == 0 && $multipass == 1 ) {

    //global variables set

    $c2code = $country_code;
    //reset if proceeds

    $sql = @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "SELECT * FROM cjoverkill_reset WHERE site_id='$site_id'" ) OR
            cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
    $tmp = @mysqli_fetch_array ( $sql );
    extract ( $tmp );
    $sql = @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "SELECT log_prune, net_rst_d FROM cjoverkill_network_settings" ) OR
            cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
    $tmp = @mysqli_fetch_array ( $sql );
    extract ( $tmp );
    $time_tmp = time ();
    // Check if resets are correct and fix if needed
    if ( $rst_h >= ($time_tmp + 7200) ) {
        $warnlevel = 22;
        $warnmsg = "FIXED reset timer in the future for this site. Check webserver clock.";
        @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "UPDATE cjoverkill_reset SET rst_h='0', rst_d='0', rst_log='0'" ) OR cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
        cjoverkill_warn_log ( $warnmsg, $warnlevel );
        $rst_h = 0;
        $rst_d = 0;
        $rst_log = 0;
    if ( $net_rst_d >= ($time_tmp + 1728000) ) {
        $warnlevel = 22;
        $warnmsg = "FIXED reset timer in the future for the global network. Check webserver clock.";
        @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "UPDATE cjoverkill_network_settings SET net_rst_d='0'" ) OR cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
        cjoverkill_warn_log ( $warnmsg, $warnlevel );
        $net_rst_d = 0;
    // Do the resets
    if ( $time_tmp >= $net_rst_d ) {
        cjoverkill_dalyglobal ();
    if ( $time_tmp >= $rst_d ) {
        cjoverkill_daily ( $site_id );
    if ( $time_tmp >= $rst_h ) {
        cjoverkill_hourly ( $site_id );
        cjoverkill_cheats ( $site_id );
        if ( $site_id != 1 ) {
            cjoverkill_toplist ( $site_id );
    if ( $time_tmp >= $rst_log && $log_prune != 0 ) {
        cjoverkill_logprune ( $site_id, $log_prune );

    $fprocess = 0;

    //credit the trade that sends the surfer
    // Stage 1 --> By Trade ID

    if ( isset ( $tid ) && $tid != "" ) {
        $sql = @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "SELECT old_id, trade_id, vtrade_id FROM cjoverkill_trades WHERE old_id='$tid' AND old_id!='0' AND site_id='$site_id'" ) OR
                cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
        if ( mysqli_num_rows ( $sql ) <= 0 ) {
            $sql = @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "SELECT trade_id, vtrade_id FROM cjoverkill_trades WHERE trade_id='$tid' AND site_id='$site_id'" ) OR
                    cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
            if ( mysqli_num_rows ( $sql ) <= 0 ) {
                $vtid = 2;
                $tid = cjoverkill_trade_discover ( $vtid, $site_id );
        $trade_id = $tid;
        if ( $referer == "" || $referer == "-" ) {
            $referer = "bookmarks";
            $ref = "no refering url";

    // Stage 2 --> By trade domain
    elseif ( isset ( $td ) && $td != "" ) {
        /* if (strlen($td)>$strlen_max){
          $what="td domain too long, possible overflow attack";
          @mysqli_query($cjoverkill_link, "INSERT INTO cjoverkill_security (fecha, what, ip, proxy, hour)
          VALUES (NOW(), '$what', '$ip', '$proxy', '$thishour')") OR
          } */
        $sql = @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "SELECT trade_id, vtrade_id FROM cjoverkill_trades WHERE domain='$td' AND site_id='$site_id'" ) OR
                cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
        if ( mysqli_num_rows ( $sql ) <= 0 ) {
            $vtid = 2;
            $trade_id = cjoverkill_trade_discover ( $vtid, $site_id );
            $tid = $trade_id;
        } else {
        if ( $referer == "" || $referer == "-" ) {
            $referer = "bookmarks";
            $ref = "no refering url";

    // Stage 3 --> By referrer. This method is old, but still widely used.
    else {
        if ( $referer != "" && $referer != "-" ) {
            /* if (strlen($referer)>$strlen_max){
              $what="Referer string too long, possible overflow attack";
              @mysqli_query($cjoverkill_link, "INSERT INTO cjoverkill_security (fecha, what, ip, proxy, hour)
              VALUES (NOW(), '$what', '$ip', '$proxy', '$thishour')") OR
              cjoverkill_print_error("Security violation attempt detected!<BR>
              are you trying to hack me duhdah?
              } */
            $tmp = parse_url ( $referer );
            $tmp["host"] = strtolower ( $tmp["host"] );
            $domain = preg_replace ( "/^www\./", "", $tmp["host"] );
            if ( $domain != "" ) {
                $referer = $domain;
            } else {
                $referer = "bookmarks";
                $ref = "no refering url";
        } else {
            $referer = "bookmarks";
            $ref = "no refering url";
        $sql = @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "SELECT trade_id, vtrade_id FROM cjoverkill_trades WHERE domain='$referer' AND site_id='$site_id'" ) OR
                cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
    if ( @mysqli_num_rows ( $sql ) == 0 && (!isset ( $vtid ) || $vtid == "") && $referer == "" ) {
        $vtrade_id = 1;
        $trade_id = cjoverkill_trade_discover ( $vtrade_id, $site_id );
    } elseif ( @mysqli_num_rows ( $sql ) == 0 && (!isset ( $vtid ) || $vtid == "") && $referer != "" ) {
        $vtrade_id = 2;
        $trade_id = cjoverkill_trade_discover ( $vtrade_id, $site_id );
    } else {
        if ( $vtrade_id != 2 && $vtid != 2 ) {
            $tmp = @mysqli_fetch_array ( $sql );
            extract ( $tmp );

    // ref log
    @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "UPDATE cjoverkill_ref_$site_id SET raw_in=raw_in+1 WHERE trade_id='$trade_id' AND referer='$ref'" ) OR
            cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
    if ( @mysqli_affected_rows ( $cjoverkill_link ) == 0 ) {
        @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "INSERT INTO cjoverkill_ref_$site_id (trade_id, referer, raw_in, hour)
      VALUES ('$trade_id', '$ref', '1', '$thishour')" ) OR
                cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );

    // IP log + Country Log + Trade track
    $israw = 0;
    @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "UPDATE cjoverkill_iplog_in_$site_id SET raw_in=raw_in+1, cstamp='$timestamp' WHERE ip='$ip' AND
			proxy='$proxy' AND 
			trade_id='$trade_id' AND 
			site_id='$site_id'" ) OR
            cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
    if ( @mysqli_affected_rows ( $cjoverkill_link ) == 0 ) {
        $israw = 0;
        @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "INSERT INTO cjoverkill_iplog_in_$site_id (site_id, trade_id, ip, proxy, raw_in, hour, cstamp)
      VALUES ('$site_id', $trade_id, '$ip', '$proxy', '1', '$thishour', '$timestamp')" ) OR
                cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
        @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "UPDATE cjoverkill_stats SET raw_in$thishour=raw_in$thishour+1, uniq_in$thishour=uniq_in$thishour+1
		   WHERE trade_id='$trade_id' AND site_id='$site_id'" ) OR
                cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
        @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "UPDATE cjoverkill_trades SET raw_tot=raw_tot+1, uniq_tot=uniq_tot+1, last_visit=NOW() WHERE trade_id='$trade_id' AND site_id='$site_id'" ) OR
                cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
        /* @mysqli_query($cjoverkill_link, "INSERT INTO cjoverkill_country_log_in (site_id, trade_id, c2code, uniqs, raws)
          VALUES ('$site_id', '$trade_id', '$c2code', '1', '1')") OR
          cjoverkill_db_error(mysqli_error($cjoverkill_link)); */
    } else {
        $israw = 1;
        @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "UPDATE cjoverkill_stats SET raw_in$thishour=raw_in$thishour+1 WHERE trade_id='$trade_id' AND site_id='$site_id'" ) OR
                cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
        @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "UPDATE cjoverkill_trades SET raw_tot=raw_tot+1 WHERE trade_id='$trade_id' AND site_id='$site_id'" ) OR
                cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
        /* @mysqli_query($cjoverkill_link, "UPDATE cjoverkill_country_log_in SET raws=raws+1 WHERE trade_id='$trade_id'") OR
          cjoverkill_db_error(mysqli_error($cjoverkill_link)); */

    if ( $israw == 1 ) {
        @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "UPDATE cjoverkill_country_log_in SET raws=raws+1 WHERE trade_id='$trade_id' AND c2code='$c2code' AND site_id='$site_id'" ) OR
                cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
        if ( @mysqli_affected_rows ( $cjoverkill_link ) == 0 ) {
            @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "INSERT INTO cjoverkill_country_log_in (site_id, trade_id, c2code, uniqs, raws)
	  VALUES ('$site_id', '$trade_id', '$c2code', '1', '1')" ) OR
                    cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
    } else {
        @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "UPDATE cjoverkill_country_log_in SET raws=raws+1, uniqs=uniqs+1 WHERE
		   trade_id='$trade_id' AND c2code='$c2code' AND site_id='$site_id'" ) OR
                cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
        if ( @mysqli_affected_rows ( $cjoverkill_link ) == 0 ) {
            @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "INSERT INTO cjoverkill_country_log_in (site_id, trade_id, c2code, uniqs, raws)
	  VALUES ('$site_id', '$trade_id', '$c2code', '1', '1')" ) OR
                    cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );

    // Check for max_clicks and max_ip and filter if needed
    // Check for max_ip
    $sql = @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "SELECT ip_enable, clicks_enable FROM cjoverkill_sites WHERE site_id='$site_id'" ) OR
            cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
    $tmp = @mysqli_fetch_array ( $sql );
    extract ( $tmp );
    if ( $ip_enable >= "1" && $whitelisted != 1 ) {
        $sql = @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt_ip FROM cjoverkill_iplog_in_$site_id, cjoverkill_trades WHERE
			cjoverkill_iplog_in_$site_id.trade_id='$trade_id' AND
			cjoverkill_iplog_in_$site_id.trade_id=cjoverkill_trades.trade_id AND
			cjoverkill_iplog_in_$site_id.raw_in>cjoverkill_trades.max_ip AND
			cjoverkill_iplog_in_$site_id.ip='$ip'" ) OR
                cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
        /* cjoverkill_db_error(mysqli_error($cjoverkill_link)); */
        $tmp = @mysqli_fetch_array ( $sql );
        extract ( $tmp );
        if ( $cnt_ip >= 1 && $fprocess == 0 ) {
            // Get other data
            $sql = @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "SELECT raw_in AS fraw_in, clicks AS fclicks, hour AS fhour FROM cjoverkill_iplog_in_$site_id, cjoverkill_trades WHERE
			cjoverkill_iplog_in_$site_id.trade_id='$trade_id' AND
			cjoverkill_iplog_in_$site_id.trade_id=cjoverkill_trades.trade_id AND
			cjoverkill_iplog_in_$site_id.ip='$ip'" ) OR
                    cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
            $tmp = @mysqli_fetch_array ( $sql );
            extract ( $tmp );
            // bann IP
            $reason = "Maximum repetitive visits count exceeded for this IP. Possible hitbot";
            @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "INSERT INTO cjoverkill_filter_ip (site_id, ip_from, ip_to, reason, hour, auto) VALUES
		       ('$site_id', '$ip', '$ip', '$reason', '$thishour', '1')" ) OR
                    cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
            // get ftrade_id
            $ftrade_id = cjoverkill_trade_discover ( 5, $site_id );
            if ( $ftrade_id != $trade_id ) {
                // substract from stats and trade and add them to the filter trade
                @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "UPDATE cjoverkill_stats SET raw_in$thishour=raw_in$thishour-$fraw_in, uniq_in$thishour=uniq_in$thishour-1,
    				WHERE trade_id='$trade_id' AND site_id='$site_id'" ) OR
                        cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
                @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "UPDATE cjoverkill_stats SET raw_in$thishour=raw_in$thishour+$fraw_in, uniq_in$thishour=uniq_in$thishour+1,
    				WHERE trade_id='$ftrade_id' AND site_id='$site_id'" ) OR
                        cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
                @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "UPDATE cjoverkill_trades SET raw_tot=raw_tot-$fraw_in, uniq_tot=uniq_tot-1, clicks_tot=clicks_tot-$fclicks WHERE
    					trade_id='$trade_id' AND site_id='$site_id'" ) OR
                        cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
                @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "UPDATE cjoverkill_trades SET raw_tot=raw_tot+$fraw_in, uniq_tot=uniq_tot+1, clicks_tot=clicks_tot+$fclicks WHERE
    					trade_id='$ftrade_id' AND site_id='$site_id'" ) OR
                        cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
                // update IP log_in with the correct trade ID for that IP
                @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "UPDATE cjoverkill_iplog_in_$site_id SET trade_id='$ftrade_id', ftrade_id='$trade_id' WHERE
    					ip='$ip' AND proxy='$proxy' AND trade_id='$trade_id' AND site_id='$site_id'" ) OR
                        cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );

            $fprocess = 1;
    // Check for max_clicks
    if ( $clicks_enable >= "1" && $whitelisted != 1 ) {
        $sql = @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt_clicks FROM cjoverkill_iplog_in_$site_id, cjoverkill_trades WHERE
			cjoverkill_iplog_in_$site_id.trade_id='$tid' AND
			cjoverkill_iplog_in_$site_id.trade_id=cjoverkill_trades.trade_id AND
			cjoverkill_iplog_in_$site_id.clicks>cjoverkill_trades.max_clicks AND
			cjoverkill_iplog_in_$site_id.ip='$ip'" ) OR
                cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
        /* 	$sql=@mysqli_query($cjoverkill_link, $ssql) OR
          cjoverkill_db_error(mysqli_error($cjoverkill_link)); */
        $tmp = @mysqli_fetch_array ( $sql );
        extract ( $tmp );
        if ( $cnt_clicks >= 1 && $fprocess == 0 ) {
            // Get other data
            $sql = @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "SELECT raw_in AS fraw_in, clicks AS fclicks, hour AS fhour FROM cjoverkill_iplog_in_$site_id, cjoverkill_trades WHERE
			cjoverkill_iplog_in_$site_id.trade_id='$trade_id' AND
			cjoverkill_iplog_in_$site_id.trade_id=cjoverkill_trades.trade_id AND
			cjoverkill_iplog_in_$site_id.ip='$ip'" ) OR
                    cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
            $tmp = @mysqli_fetch_array ( $sql );
            extract ( $tmp );
            // bann IP
            $reason = "Maximum clicks count exceeded for this IP. Possible hitbot";
            @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "INSERT INTO cjoverkill_filter_ip (site_id, ip_from, ip_to, reason, hour, auto) VALUES
		       ('$site_id', '$ip', '$ip', '$reason', '$thishour', '1')" ) OR
                    cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
            // get ftrade_id
            $ftrade_id = cjoverkill_trade_discover ( 5, $site_id );
            if ( $ftrade_id != $trade_id ) {
                // substract from stats and trade and add them to the filter trade
                @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "UPDATE cjoverkill_stats SET raw_in$thishour=raw_in$thishour-$fraw_in, uniq_in$thishour=uniq_in$thishour-1,
    				WHERE trade_id='$trade_id' AND site_id='$site_id'" ) OR
                        cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
                @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "UPDATE cjoverkill_stats SET raw_in$thishour=raw_in$thishour+$fraw_in, uniq_in$thishour=uniq_in$thishour+1,
    				WHERE trade_id='$ftrade_id' AND site_id='$site_id'" ) OR
                        cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
                @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "UPDATE cjoverkill_trades SET raw_tot=raw_tot-$fraw_in, uniq_tot=uniq_tot-1, clicks_tot=clicks_tot-$fclicks WHERE
    					trade_id='$trade_id' AND site_id='$site_id'" ) OR
                        cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
                @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "UPDATE cjoverkill_trades SET raw_tot=raw_tot+$fraw_in, uniq_tot=uniq_tot+1, clicks_tot=clicks_tot+$fclicks WHERE
    					trade_id='$ftrade_id' AND site_id='$site_id'" ) OR
                        cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );
                // update IP log_in with the correct trade ID for that IP
                @mysqli_query ( $cjoverkill_link, "UPDATE cjoverkill_iplog_in_$site_id SET trade_id='$ftrade_id', ftrade_id='$trade_id' WHERE
    					ip='$ip' AND proxy='$proxy' AND trade_id='$trade_id' AND site_id='$site_id'" ) OR
                        cjoverkill_db_error ( mysqli_error ( $cjoverkill_link ) );

            $fprocess = 1;
cjoverkill_disconnect ();

Its the called in.php File from Cjoverkill Traffic Trade Script. Its including some different Files. The Whole Script can be Downloaded here:

Many Greetings
Jr. Bludit
Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Jul 12, 2023 9:07 pm

I found out that if the in.php file is included in Bludit's Main Index.php file.

The script returns when calling the admin panel:
Bludit CMS. Session initialization failed.

I hope this information makes it easier to find a solution.

Many Thanks!
Post Reply