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Migrate from regular to pro?

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 9:56 pm
by botto

I am trying Bludit out as a blog. I may want to migrate to Bludit Pro, though it is not fully clear what the difference is between them. It would be nice to see a comparison between Bludit and Bludit Pro so we can see all the extra goodies we get. I have a worry. Say I do move to Bludit Pro, would I have to rebuild my blog all over again, or is this an easy migration?

I imagine that Bludit Pro takes Paypal donations.

One suggestion, that we have non-mainstream social media links. I prefer sm like, GnuSocial and many of the other GNU/knowledge friendly options.

Re: Migrate from regular to pro?

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 8:02 am
by botto
I sponsored and got the pro build and upgrading was not as damaging as I thought. My one blog post was intact. Not too shabby.

Let people have their own links, like Vimeo, et al. Mastodon is the one thing that agrees with me.

Re: Migrate from regular to pro?

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 6:34 am
by bozodev
I am a PRO user. The upgrade was easy. Just followed the instructions. The only real differences I see are the two premium plugins and I think some settings for the Simple Stats. However, for me the big benefit is knowing that I am helping keep this project going.

Don't get me wrong I hope to get some more perks in the code. :)

But just glad to have such a great CMS for my projects.