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simplemde replacement

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 12:07 pm
by Jay
After writing couple test posts using simplemde I'm not quite fond of its features but there's no way I'm ever going back to use visual editors like CKE or tinyMCE as I love using markdown for quite some time.

Basically simplemde became obsolete. Last update was over 3yrs ago, and issues with using it arise on github. The most useful feature for now is spell checking. Well, it's more about bundled version of codemirror, but I have no idea if updating CM in simplemde would work out of box. For now only english language is supported, and there's no easy way to enable browser's spellchecking feature in editor's textarea window.

Next thing I encountered are problems with some tags.
There's already a thread about it, but I personally had problem with using <textarea>. It closed the editor's tag, processing rest of the post body as html.
I'm aware of the problem, as it occur in quite many visual text editors.
Nonetheless the problem with some tags persist.

I've found out that simplemde was forked, and two projects are actively maintained. One of them is
It's website:

I won't go deeper into features and bugfixes that simplemde will never get, but despite multilanguage spell checking (from what I understand covered by codemirror) there's one usefull fueature - image upload. It would come in handy for those, who would like to maintain one central directory for additional images (not only images stored per page - there was an option to disable it in earlier versions of bludit).
A small glimpse about this feature:

What do you think about it?
Maybe not as a replacement right away, but an additional plugin as for now?

Re: simplemde replacement

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 3:00 pm
by Jay
ohh, completely forgot about text.writer plugin. I suppose that it wasn't working with bludit 3.7 when I found this cms ;)
Look like it's getting updates pretty often

Re: simplemde replacement

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 3:18 pm
by SamBrishes

thanks for mention. That's true, tail.writer had some problems with Bludit below 3.8.0 due to a single radical change (3.8.0 is the first Bludit version, which uses a textarea field on the content page). BTW. The new update allows you to use textile and BBCodes for your content too, but still with some disadvantages, which should also be fixed soon. ;D


PS.: You can also test the editor in your browser first, without installing the plugin. Just visit the official GitHub Page.